Self-publishing is a new process for every writer where one has to endure many failures before finally holding their book in hand. Nevertheless, book publishing is a significant milestone in the career of any writer. But before you can have your completed book or an e-book, you’ll need to undertake some preliminary works that will decide whether the self-publishing efforts you take are a success—or a failure.
Here are a few things you should know before self publishing your book
There Is No Harm in Using Traditionally Published Books as a Guide
There is a misconception that looking to learn from traditionally published books is a discouragement. However, it has been proven that these books act to be helpful guides for developing your own. If you like a book, think about what aspects drew you in and how you may replicate that impact. Consider what you could do differently if you come across a book you don’t enjoy. Even recalling the novels you enjoyed as a child might inspire you to write your book.
Be Careful Of the Repercussions If You Pick Non-Standard Formatting
Some authors wanted their book to have an aesthetic appeal, so they went with a square 8″ x 8″ hardback with a matte finish in the hopes of making it more appealing to artisan retailers. However, they then realized that because the book was designed to be “artistic,” it didn’t fit into the conventional 7″x 10″ or 8″x 10″ book dimensions they couldn’t simply format their book suitable for eBook publishing since it was square, which limited their ales. So, if your book has an unusual format, be aware that it may fall foul of industry norms in place for a purpose.
Understand the Book Distribution Procedure and the Expected Earnings
Each step in the book distribution chain deducts a percentage of your profit. You will have a better understanding of your prospective profits if you grasp each stage. If you opt to self-publishing your book with Writat, for example, you will receive 80 per cent of the proceeds from each sale. Even if you sell straight to a bookstore without an intermediary, bookstores will often take 50% of the earnings. To correctly estimate your profits, price your book with this information in mind.
Put Your Faith in the Experts
You may believe you know more or that your method is unique. In any case, pay attention to the book publishing specialists. Consider this information when you read an article on printing firms or get advice on the dos and don’ts of marketing your book. Because my book was non-profit and I was a new author, there were moments when I believed it would be different. However, I learnt that the book industry can be harsh at times and that professional counsel may be a lifesaver.
Persistence Is Essential in Marketing
A single email or phone contact is rarely enough to impact a customer when attempting to sell your book or schedule a book reading. Make sure to follow up in person and keep reaching out until you receive a firm “yes” or “no.” Keep track of your connections so you can keep in touch and seek opportunities to display your book. Your book won’t sell itself, no matter how wonderful it is, and it’s up to you to give it a chance it deserves to reach a wider audience.
Wrapping Up
You’ve put in a lot of time and effort into your book, editing it several times and pulling all-nighters to put the finishing touches on it. Then you go to self-publishing your book, and you’re immediately overwhelmed with trepidation. “What does mine have to offer?” you wonder as you look through shelves and shelves of other books.
Allowing this mindset to gain control can harm your ability to sell your book. You must think that your book belongs on the same shelf as everyone else’s. When pitching your book, be confident in your pitch, and readers will sense your excitement.