
6 Benefits of Self-Publishing Every Author Should Know

Self-publish is the latest trend and fastest-growing segment of the publishing industry that gives complete freedom to the author to take control of the creative and marketing process. Unless traditionally published author, in self-publishing, you are the publisher. That means the finished copies, subsidiary rights, copyright, and all the profits associated with the book are exclusively yours.

Here are some of the benefits of self-publishing your manuscript

Complete Control over Creatives and Marketing Process

Like we said earlier, a self-published author has complete control over the creative and marketing process involved in self-publishing. A self-published author is solely responsible for writing, editing, designing, and printing their book. It is up to the author to choose if they would like to employ a professional to help them in any of the above four stages.

Greater Monetary Rewards

Have you ever thought about how much a traditional publisher earns while taking control of the book written by an author? Why should anyone get the fruit of your hard work? If you choose to self-publish your book, every penny of the book you sell comes back to you. Once you have earned enough, you can use that money on advertising your book so that it can reach everyone.

You Have Control over Pricing of the Book

Unlike traditional publishing, self-publishing lets you decide how much your book can cost. But what you have to keep in mind is that you can neither sell your masterpiece for a mere amount nor can you sell it for a higher price. Don’t undersell your book, or try becoming the next bestselling author by charging more. Choosing a sensible price you can give a discount to your readers and friends.

Self-Publishing Takes Less Time When Compared to Traditional Publishing

The self-publishing cycle is much shorter when compared to the traditional publishing method. In the traditional publishing method, one has to find an agent who, in turn, has to find a publisher, and it will take years for your book to hit the shelves. Whereas in self-publishing, it takes only a few months or weeks to publish your book on self-publishing platforms.

Self-publishing Offers More Networking Opportunities

Publishing a book will go through a series of stages in production. Throughout the process of writing and publishing a book, you will come across different people. Throughout your self-publishing journey, you will be associated with professional editors, graphic designers and various other experts that provide excellent networking opportunities.

When you self-publish your book, you can be assured that the shelf-life is longer when compared to traditional publishing. Traditional publishers can anytime replace your book with new books that are more popular and interesting. Whereas in self-publishing, you can decide the shelf-life of your book. Self-publishing platform like Writat has connections with over 10,000 distributors to assure your book reach.

Final Thoughts

There are more benefits to self-publishing, and you cannot overlook them. Your book, your hard work, and you take complete control of it by choosing self-publishing as your path.  Nobody can take control of the content, pricing or publishing decisions of your book in self-publishing. Write your best masterpiece and take complete control over the publishing process.

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