
Three Must-Know Book Marketing Tips for Self Publishing Writers

The publishing industry is ancient. With the tremendous growth of digital technology and smartphones as reading devices, self-publishing and eBooks are rapidly growing.  As an author, you should know the fundamental difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing. You are not the sole decision authority in the traditional publishing method. Your book will have to be approved by a publisher who can decide whether to choose to go ahead with it or not, and they will take care of the entire process from beginning to end.

However, in self-publishing, you are in charge of your book. You don’t need anybody’s approval to publish your book on self-published platforms. However, it is purely your responsibility to take care of the progress of the publishing work on your own.

Leading Strategies to Market your Self-Publishing Books

Self-publishing is not any rocket science, and it needs a proper understanding. Here are a few proven tips that can make way for your success as a self-published author.

Conduct a Market Research

As an author, you should not only concentrate on writing a book as a passion but must focus on the business side as well. Before you start writing your book, be sure about what you want to write and most importantly who will want to read it. Once you are clear on what genre you want to write the book and who the target audience is you can conclude devising marketing strategies.

Better Understanding and Knowledge of Social Media

Having a basic knowledge of social media will do no good if you wish to engage with other writers or prospective readers. As a self-publishing author, you must understand the algorithm of social media sites like Instagram, Tumblr, Face book and Twitter. All these social media sites follow a set pattern. To make your work seen and known by all, you need to know more than the basic working methodology of these sites. Once you have succeeded in appealing to the masses on these social media sites, you should focus on prospective readers. Self-publish your work at Writat, the self-publishing platform that is associated with more than 40,000 distribution channels.

In Self-Publishing Promote Your Book, Don’t Sell

When you promote your work ensure that you are marketing your book and not trying to sell it. Avoid using words like ‘buy’ and ‘sell’, and insight gives some meaningful insights about your work. Give a sneak peek about your book to your audience. Don’t become a salesman of your book; instead talk about how your book is different from the other books of the same genre. To attract the target readers to read your book, you can share the first chapter of your book for free.

Build A Rapport with Your Readers and Ask for Reviews

Readers are the ones that make you a successful author, and building a good rapport with them is very much important. Instead of interacting with them, you can ask them for their input and make them feel an integral part of your writing journey. Once you have self-published your book, you can ask your readers for reviews. You can also start a discussion about your books on social media platforms like Twitter and Quora. Honest reviews about your book will help you maintain the visibility of your work.

Bottom Line

Self-publishing gives you the freedom to publish your books and succeed in the literary world without depending on the publisher. However, it comes with added responsibilities. As a self-publishing author, you must be updated with the latest marketing strategies to make a place for yourself in the self-publishing industry.

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